Located in Detroit, MI

Growing businesses that are heavily focused on profit often forget the importance of maintaining a clean work environment and its impact on staff productivity. Little did they know that these activities may impact the employees—and in turn, their sales. An untidy workplace environment can become a distraction for your employees, but a clean office can motivate them to focus. Good thing that office cleaning services are now a convenient commodity that busy business owners and HR professionals can get at JAN-PRO.

It’s common for businesses to focus on their main business objectives. But CEOs and HR managers should never overlook their employees’ morale, health, and productivity. One of the best ways to improve these factors is to hire an office cleaning service. Let’s take a look at how a clean office can impact employee productivity and the overall performance of your business.

How A Clean Office May Impact Employees 

1. Improves Mood And Mindset

A clean office, among other things, can boost employees’ mood and mindset. Entering a clean office every morning will give them a sense of starting with a clean slate, regardless of their schedule and deadlines. A fresh start is a fresh start, after all. A clean office is a breath of fresh air on their day-to-day routine, and a professional commercial cleaning service can give this to them. 

2. Increases Attention And Focus

Unnecessary clutter and untidy surroundings can distract employees from doing their actual work. A mess can get them stressed. But if you turn your office into a spotless clean habitat, your employees’ attention and focus may increase. Focus, attention, and motivation are all easy to lose in an untidy office, so have yours professionally cleaned regularly. 

Office clutter can overwhelm employees. It’s important to get cleaning services that focus on cleaning and decluttering workstations. JAN-PRO, as an example, starts with a custom cleaning plan using its JAN-PRO Signature Clean® system. The cleaning plan determines the cleaning methods your office actually needs.

3. Boosts Employee Engagement

A clean office can make employees comfortable. In the long-run, it can also make them better members of the company. Cleanliness simply encourages internal communication within the company and external interactions among colleagues. By keeping the office clean, CEOs and HR managers can effortlessly help employees connect to other employees—and even employers.

Keeping the workplace environment clean and comfortable can entice employees to participate in meaningful activities apart from their actual work. A setting such as this can have a positive impact on the company itself. 

4. Creates A Healthy Culture

Apart from salaries and benefits, employees also consider the culture of the workplace when applying for a job. The same goes for employees considering staying or resigning. One factor that can affect the culture of the company is the cleanliness of the workplace.

A healthy workplace culture that is free from stress and toxicity can also increase the productivity of the workplace, as proven by Harvard Business Review. From several studies, the article laid down all the pieces of evidence that link positive work culture to productivity. 

5. Increase Safety from Health Hazards and Contagious Illness 

Cleaning the office regularly can protect your employees’ overall health. You can reduce absenteeism in the workplace by simply keeping the office clean. Employees won’t have to overuse their sick leaves if you keep them safe from diseases. 

Even if you have the right cleaning supplies, know that cleaning the office to safeguard the employees’ overall health isn’t something regular cleaning with mops and brooms can do. Regular cleaning lacks disinfection and sanitation methods. You need an office cleaning service with specialized services to combat germs and bacteria, especially on communal areas and spaces.

Top Office Areas Where Germs And Bacteria Easily Spreads 

  • Desk
  • Refrigerator
  • Work equipment, especially keyboard and mouse
  • Mugs 
  • Door Handles 
  • Photocopier

These areas need a thorough and specialized cleaning. One of the best examples of specialized cleaning services is JAN-PRO Technics®’ exclusive suite of top-quality cleaning products. The suite features JAN-PRO’s EnviroShield® disinfection system which is designed to eliminate 99.99% of bacteria and viruses in all areas of the workplace.

How A Clean Office Impact Businesses

Employee productivity is a factor affecting the success of the business. A clean office is one of the main sources of employee productivity, it also impacts the overall success of the company.

1. Improves First Impression 

First impression from clients, customers, and business partners is important. A clean office with productive employees can definitely appeal to outsiders who have a strong attention to detail. It won’t just increase your number of visitors but the overall business sales as well. 

2. Elevates Your Brand

Satisfied employees are good for the business. The outside world will appreciate your company if you keep your employees happy and satisfied by just keeping the office safe and tidy. When you care for your employees, you elevate your brand name. 

Increase your business sales and elevate your brand name by keeping the office safe and tidy. Call 866-355-1064, and reach out to your local JAN-PRO outlet for office cleaning service.